Kulya dalam Relung Filsafat (Oktober-Desember)

Prolog: Nang Ning Nung, Inilah selera Kebijakanku
Nurel Javissyarqi


Inilah penulis tempuh (Kulya dalam Relung Filsafat), setelah membaca susunannya Leo Tolstoy: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

1. Kebijaksanaan sebagai wujud keadilan cinta.
2. Ketika burung sayapnya patah, ia baru ingin terbang melebihi kenyataan.
3. Daya hipnosis-Nya khusyukkan kita, hingga melaksanakan yang diperintah.
4. Kekayaan sejati adalah rela ketentuan-Nya.
5. Buku-buku perwujudan kekayaan jiwa insan.
6. Kuasailah dirimu, jangan menghamba atau meraja, jadilah penggelandang memberi kesan tanpa berkhotbah, dan menerima pesan dari-Nya sepenuh pasrah.
7. Kasih ialah suara hati.
8. Yang bisa memenjara selamanya, gerak tangan dan lidah, tetapi jiwa penentu tak pernah terpenjara meski selembut sutra.
9. Kebaikan perlu perbaikan berulang, jika itu kebajikan, sebab kebiasaan baik belum tentu baik di dalamnya, atau kearifan di lingkungan baik itu hal biasa. Buruklah jika tak melangkah, sebab waduk perlu aliran, demi suburkan pesawahan.
10. Bersyukurlah diberi sakit, itulah tangga nikmat kesejatian.
11. Tuhan malu mencatat kejahatanmu, jika ditimpai sengsara kau berlapang dada.
12. Pandanglah dirimu di luar diri, engkau kan tahu yang sepatutnya dikerjakan.
13. Umur yang kau pergunakan sebagai tanda kebesaran tuhan.
14. Otak pekerja hati majikannya, sama-sama memiliki kekayaan saling melengkapi.
15. Andai alam dunia tidak memperbincangkan tuhan, tentu takkan runtut kesejatian.
16. Hati nurani ialah guru mencegahmu dari perbuatan ingkar.
17. Dua cinta menuju cita-cita, cinta bagi sesama dan kepada-Nya.
18. Kemungkinan, menjadi landasan meluncurnya segala sesuatu.
19. Penilaian akal sehat belum tentu diterima, sebab ada kemungkinan lain.
20. Yang khawatirkan mati, sebab waktunya tak jelas. Kita sering khawatir pada yang belum terpahami, maka sebaik-baiknya terus belajar.
21. Khawatir berkurang jika adanya persiapan, di mana menempati tempat duduk yang seharusnya dinikmati.
22. Mungkin ruh semacam daya simpan.
23. Kita kambing hitamkan iblis, dan jarang mengakui kelemahan sendiri.
24. Peganglah nafsumu kuat-kuat, jangan sampai menjegalmu.
25. Hidup dibatas mati, kenapa masih berlalu lalang, sungguh harus lebih baik.
26. Kata ‘kematian’ mendorong tidak terlena.
27. Banyak kebaikan dihasilkan dari mengingat maut.
28. Kalau menghayati ruh kematian, tentu akan beriman.
29. Peristiwa menggetarkan adalah kelahiran dan kematian.
30. Seorang pembunuh, sekaligus membunuh hatinya sendiri.
31. Entah, (apakah) seorang pembunuh bayaran bisa berdamai dengan hati nurani.
32. Puncak keputusasaan ialah bunuh diri.
33. Kita tahu, puncak kesombongan menganggap dirinya Tuhan.
34. Masak sih, Tuhan kau ajak bersekutu dengan keyakinanmu?
35. Kata kabar, berbaiklah pada orang baik maupun yang jahat.
36. Terimalah yang kau anggap pas atau sreg bagi hatimu.
37. Hidup dibangun (dari) kebiasaan melalui cara pandang biasa, maka ketidakwajaran membuat lainnya tercengang.
38. Mintalah koreksi orang lain, sebab kau tak mungkin melihat tengkukmu sendiri.
39. Yang berkaca di telaga, bayangan di air itulah yang sebenarnya, kalem sejujurnya.
40. Mengupas hati berpandangan lembut lagi melembutkan para pemandang, meski berpakaian kumal.
41. Seni dan perasaan bisa menggiring ke tahap keyakinan.
42. Kebersatuan tanpa perasaan itu ‘kecurigaan’ (bisa bermakna ‘kerugian’).
43. Revolusi, rasa emosional yang mempersatukan perasaan dalam suatu aliran.
44. Hujan, keajaiban nyata mencipta pelangi, membahagiakan anak-anak nurani.
45. Seni mutakhir menciptakan kemudahan lakunya jiwa, mencapai temuan yang diharapkan kemanusiaan unggul.
46. Kehendak berkembangnya kesadaran usia senja datangnya ajal ialah fitroh.
47. Yang menjadikan milikmu sejati ialah kejujuran.
48. Kejujuran mendatangkan perbendaharaan tersembunyi.
49. Mencari titik kelemahan itu usaha terbaik memahami diri.
50. Waktu adalah penghubung, meski ada yang seolah terpisah.
51. Sapaan itu menyenangkan, meski melewati surat.
52. Kekuatan iman melampaui pikiran.
53. Waktu ialah yang kau katakan saat itu, maka perbaiki kesendirianmu.
54. Hasrat kuat mempengaruhi alam bawah sadar yang menentukan gerak-gerik.
55. Setelah bercakap bersama kawan atau buku, kita tahu yang kan terucap.
56. Penciptaan sarang sebagai tujuan awal kehidupan burung, dia sangat bahagia saat anak-anaknya terlahir.
57. Sebab terbiasa soal-soal rumit, maka mudah menyelesaikan dengan sederhana.
58. Kesederhanaan pemahaman mempermudah menerima takdir.
59. Akal sehat tanpa pengetahuan, akan mendekati perbuatan gila.
60. Peniadaan yang ada itu nalar kegilaan. Jika diberlakukan balik, maka kemajuan kan tercapai.
61. Keyakinan serta pemahaman itu cermin jati diri.
62. Kewajiban diberikan, atau pengamalan itu tanda keberadaan.
63. Yang mengombangambingkan kalbu ialah nafsu.
64. Yang belum terjadi menantimu, maka persiapkan dengan matang, agar pandanganmu leluasa dalam memaknai.
65. Jika keyakinanmu ampuh, membimbing pada kesejatian nalar kalbu.
66. Paparan pengetahuan sejenis jembatan dari kepulauan satu ke lainnya.
67. Penjelasan baik mengurangi kesalahpahaman, tapi kesalahpahaman kerap menemukan jalan tercepat dari sebelumnya.
68. Hati nurani ialah malaikat penjaga.
69. Ketika pandangan Timur Barat bertemu, yang timbul kesadaran spiritual.
70. Otak menimang, dan dengan hatilah melihat timbangannya.
71. Rawatlah nalar hatimu, jiwamu kan tenang berkeindahan menjalani hidup.
72. Hati nurani sama, yang membedakan wujud luarnya itu cara menatap dunia.
73. Menolong yang lain sama halnya memerangi kejahatan dalam diri. Maka kasih sayang sanggup menanggulangi lintasan kejahatan.
74. Yang beriman lurus memahami tujuan hidup serta hak kewajiban.
75. Hati pikiran lalu tindakan, atau cara pandang kalbu sebagai timbangan pemikiran, lantas mengerjakan yang menjadikan kepribadianmu.
76. Pemisahan diri fisikal spiritual, lewat menerima kesadaran masing-masing.
77. Akal sehat tanpa kesucian jiwa, hanya menjadi budak benda-benda.
78. Peristiwa sekitar di dalam diri, membentuk kuat-lemahnya pribadi.
79. Ambil yang cocok, itu telah ada dalam dirimu, atau kau ingin ruangan baru?
80. Pejalan tersesat, serupa lingkaran tanpa menuju titik punjer pengertian.
81. Pengabdian menyadarkan pada ingatan, meski sedang disergap kelupaan.
82. Kelupaan menyakitkan bagi merawat kesadaran, apalagi saat dibutuhkan.
83. Boleh jadi kelupaan menyelamatkan orang dari hantu ingatan berlimpah.
84. Kelupaan sebagai bukti kuasa tuhan.
85. Mengalirnya waktu bersamamu ialah anugerah tak terhingga.
86. Tradisi yang dilandasi kesahajaan, akan diterima berlapang kelanggengan.


These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy, after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

1. Discreetness as the realization of justice of love.
2. When bird’s wings broken, it just want to fly beyond reality.
3. The power of His hypnotic engrosses us in, until we do what He command.
4. The true riches are sincere on His wish.
5. Books are the materialization of treasury of man’s soul.
6. Control your self to do not be slave or not to be king, be vagrant will give impressions without speech also achieve His message sincerely.
7. Love is the voice of heart.
8. The one who can prison ever after is the moving of hand and tongue, but the soul of determinant is never prisoned although as soft as silk.
9. Goodness needs repeated ameliorations if that is virtue, because good habit is not always be kind at inside, or wisdom in the good neighborhood is usual. Then, it will be bad if we don’t walk, because the dam needs water to fertilize the farm field.
10. Be grateful if you are sick, it is the level to the real grace.
11. God will be shy to record your crime, if you are in sorrow you be sincere of it.
12. Look at your self outside of you, you will know what should to do.
13. The age you use as the sign of God’s greatest.
14. The mind is the worker and the heart is the boss, they all have something to perfect one another.
15. If there is no conversation about God in this world, of course there won’t be continuation genuineness.
16. The heart is the master whom stops you from evil.
17. Two loves aim to the top of the ladder; love for the others and love to the God.
18. Possibility becomes foundation in launching anything.
19. Justification of common sense is not sure yet to be accepted, because there are other possibilities.
20. The one who worries of the death are because of the time is not clear. We often feel anxious to something we don’t understand yet, hence keep learns.
21. The feeling of worry will be less if there are preparations, where we have to sit on where we should be.
22. May be, the soul is such a power of save.
23. We blame devil, and we seldom want to admit our own weakness.
24. Hold your passion tightly, don’t let it intercept you.
25. The life is limited by the death. Why are you still walking around? You must do better than that.
26. The word ‘death’ motivated us to do not stupefy.
27. So much virtue we can get from remembers the death.
28. If we comprehend the spirit of death, of course we will be in faith.
29. The greatest events are born and die.
30. A murderer at the same time he is killing his own heart.
31. I don’t know, can a hit man make peace with his heart?
32. The top part of desperation is suicide.
33. We know, the top of conceited is assuming as he is God.
34. You must be joking, you ask God to make alliance with your conviction?
35. The news said; be good to the generous people or even the evil.
36. Accept whatever you think that is good and comfort for your heart.
37. The life is developed by the habit through the common way of view, so, unusualness makes the others dumbfounded.
38. Ask correction from someone else, because you can’t look your own bunch (you can’t find your own false precisely).
39. The one who mirror at the lake, the shadow in the water is the truth. Honestly, it is slowly.
40. Introspection in the heart will have soft view; also soften the watcher, although rumpled.
41. Art and the feeling can drive to the level of belief.
42. Gathering without feeling is suspicious.
43. Revolution is emotional sense to unite the feeling in one ideology.
44. The rain is real miracle, creates rainbow to make the heart of heart be happy.
45. The modern art creates easiness of soul’s working, getting expected invention by main humanity.
46. The willing expands become awareness of the coming of old age is purity of our soul.
47. What makes yours substantially is the honest.
48. The honest bears the hidden treasury.
49. Searches the point of weakness is the best effort to understand our selves.
50. The time is connector, although there is some alike being separated.
51. Greeting is fun though by a letter.
52. The power of faith beyond the mind.
53. The time is like what you said that time, so, correct your loneliness.
54. The strong passion influences under aware; the one who determines your motions.
55. After making conversation with friends or the books, we will know what we have to say.
56. Nest creation as the first goal of bird’s live, it is so happy when its children hatched.
57. Because of usual with complicated problems, make us finish the new ones easily.
58. The simplicity of comprehension makes us to be easier to accept the destiny of life.
59. The common sense without knowledge will approach insanity.
60. Negation on what already exist is the mind of craziness. If it reversed, the progress will be got.
61. Conviction also comprehension are the mirror of our individuality.
62. Obligation that is gave, or implementing of it is the sign of existence.
63. The one who confuses the heart is passions.
64. The unprecedented is waiting for you. Hence, prepare your self maturely, in order your views can sense freely.
65. If your faith is effective, it will lead you to the genuineness of mind and heart.
66. The explanation of knowledge is such as bridge from one island to another island.
67. Good explanation lessens misunderstanding. But, misunderstanding oftentimes found the fastest way of before.
68. The heart of heart is the guardian angel.
69. When the vision of Eastern and Western met, it bears the spiritual consciousness.
70. The brain as consider, and with the heart to see the judgment.
71. Take good care of the mind of your heart, your soul will be valuable comfort to live the life.
72. The hearts are same. What makes its outside forms be different is its way to stare the world.
73. Help the others is same meaning with fights for the evil in our selves. So, the love can ward off the cross path of evil.
74. The faith one is straightened to understand the goal of life also his right and his obligation.
75. The heart, the mind, and the last are the action. Or, the way of view of the heart, observed by ratio and then do it. It makes your personality.
76. The separation of our selves is physically and spiritually, through achieving awareness of each part.
77. The common sense without purity of soul only becomes the slave of things.
78. The happening around of inside our self makes our personality be strong or be weak.
79. Take the compatible, and it is already inside us. Or, you want some new space?
80. The lost traveler similar like circle without aim to the center point of comprehension.
81. Devotion awakens the memory; although it is attacked by forgetfulness.
82. The forgetfulness is pain for taking care of awareness, especially when it is needed.
83. It could be the forgetfulness safes people from the ghost of abundant remembrance.
84. The forgetfulness as the proof of God’s power.
85. The time walks along with you is unlimited bless.
86. Tradition be based by joyfulness will be accepted with spaciously eternality.


Inilah penulis tempuh (Kulya dalam Relung Filsafat), setelah membaca susunannya Leo Tolstoy: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

1. Yang gigih bertahan menyungguhi keyakinan, seakan melihat nasibnya.
2. Tidak terelak, Tuhan mengikuti persangkaan hambanya.
3. Persangkaan semacam daya sugesti.
4. Sering kali pujian melemahkan kesugguhan.
5. Sangkaan antar sesama itu halusinasi yang tampak.
6. Rumah berdimensi kepurnaan; bahan bermutu, struktur lengkung, pewarnaan, pencahayaan, ventilasi, dan tuannya menawan.
7. Ketidakbiasaan didorong nalar ganjil, yang tertangkap sisi gaib dunia nyata.
8. Hukum alam cerminan hukum Tuhan.
9. Bedakan persangkaan dengan dugaan.
10. Sangkaan daya hayal, dan dugaan itu ‘ngeranggeh’-nya sukma pada kesejatian.
11. Hukum adalah prodak kekuasaan.
12. Dari perdebatan sengit lantas terdiam, memunculkan pendapat kejujuran.
13. Logika perdebatan, sering bersifat kesementaraan.
14. Mengambil jarak pandang itu teknik aman menyikapi diri demi kebaikan.
15. Kalau orang hebat merasa pintar, tentu berhenti belajar.
16. Orang menilaimu tergantung bahasamu.
17. Berucapnya hati diterima hati, jika lewati nalar, akal lain menilai, maka berhati-hatilah memakai bahasa emosi.
18. Meditasi hanya jalan konsentrasi, dan gerakan sosial jauh lebih sulit.
19. Meditasi sosial itu khusyuk berkarya, giat propaganda serta ikhlas.
20. Setelah titik konsentrasi, teroboslah benteng goda yang merintangi.
21. Mereka belokkan pikiran, sebab tak berani melewati kesadaran utuh.
22. Lebih mudah berkendara hati daripada pikiran, kala menuju kepada-Nya.
23. Reingkarnasi itu, ingatan sebelum kesadaran sampai jejakkan keyakinan di bumi kelahiran.
24. Ketenangan tengah terbayang, saat menjalani prosesi penciptaan karya.
25. Waktu itu ruh, tempat tubuhnya, sedang kesempatan di atas keduanya.
26. Kelahiran ialah kesadaran hidup.
27. Hati menentukan, jiwa mencari kebenaran, nurani menerima, nalar memperhitungkan.
28. Saat ruang-waktu dimasuki, yakinlah memahami lebih lapang pemahaman.
29. Kehendak Tuhan dan insan menjadi keseimbangan.
30. Kerap kali rasa puas menjebak kepurnaan.
31. Kebenaran itu kesamaan segalanya.
32. Ego bersifat beku, sahaja mengalir.
33. Gairah itu lebih, maka harus baik-baik mengaturnya, sebab saat surutnya air laut, masih merindu datangnya pasang.
34. Gelombang itu pengajaran, tapi masih berharap pantai dan karang teguran.
35. Aturan hadir sebelum benda, benda menentukan hukum; ini sketsa kasar.
36. Tuhan yang pantas mengklaim.
37. Manusia seyogyanya tidak menjelekkan kemanusiaan.
38. Konsekuensi berasal gerak batin, dan mem-batin menciptakan kenyataan.
39. Bencah tanah menghadirkan orang-orang ramah.
40. Tanahmu hatimu, seperti segumpal tanah mewaktu.
41. Debu kau pijak, kepribadianmu di alam raya.
42. Kejujuran, awal dan akhir kepurnaan.
43. Kepurnaan bukan ketika purnama, tapi kepasrahan menanti kematian.
44. Penuntut ilmu, mengharapkan kepurnaan akal budi bersinar kerelaan.
45. Tindakan berasal pengalaman, dan pengetahuan yang sedang berjalan.
46. Penulis harus tahu kapan menulis puisi, esai, prosa, &ll, sebab sketsa ruang-waktu telah terbentuk, serta mengingini bentuk saat dilahirkan.
47. Hukum abadi meruang-waktu sebelum dalam ruang-waktu. Kenyataan warna dan bentuk harus dimaksimalkan, dari kesamaan alam sebelumnya.
48. Pembedaan itu memaksimalkan kerja setelah temukan pembeda.
49. Kita sering menuntut hidup atas keinginan masyarakat, ini kurang tepat.
50. Orang tidak terima kesejatian, sebab tak mengenakkan tubuh ancaman kejiwaan, atau kemapanan benda menghambat, menjelmaan kekhawatiran.
51. Kita tumbuh atas hukum gerak kepastian, tapi sering condong ke kanan dan kiri, merasa segalanya pasti atau sebaliknya. Maka hukum pasti penting diketahui ketidakpastiannya, kita di antara keduanya dengan perasaan yakin.
52. Dengan keyakinan, manusia sanggup bertahan sampai sekarang.
53. Untuk bertahan di puncak gairah, sebaiknya tidak berpikir mengunduh buah saat bersemangat kerja.
54. Mimpi diperkuat sketsa kasar sebelumnya yang bertambah keyakinan.
55. Waktu berkata; yang jadi milikmu kini, maka kemana ayunkan langkah?
56. Terkadang pengandaian memotong sayap demi tumbuhkan sayap baru.
57. Kejujuran tidak memandang imbalan dan berkarya itu kejujuran nyata.
58. Imbalan itu masa depan angan, dan kenyataan kekinian menentukan.
59. Kita harus tumbuh di jalan lurus antara dua kutub, meski pun sulit.
60. Kebenaran itu kenyataan bertahap.
61. Kebaikan itu, kebenaran pertolongan yang diharapkan.
62. Kejahatan lambat laun berbalik pada tuannya.
63. Kejahatan itu kerugian yang tampak (kerugian itu kejahatan yang terlihat).
64. Kekuatan mengalahkan diri sendiri harus ditampakkan.
65. Mengalahkan diri, mengambil jarak hasrat realitas nalar dan naluri; hasrat dituntun realitas pencerminan, pemikiran menimbang, lalu naluri penentunya.
66. Kebaikan memperbaiki jiwa akan selalu memperbaharui kesadaran.
67. Kesadaran sebagai kenyataan iman.
68. Meng-ayak menuju kelembutan, ini kemungkinan mengolah kenyataan.
69. Keyakinan itu kemungkinan yang ternyatakan.
70. Kebenaran ialah kenyataan proses.
71. Keyakinan bukan ungkapan, tapi darah daging dan tulang kesaksian.
72. Penempatan salah-benar harus ditarik benang alasannya.
73. Cara penyampaian menentukan warna kesan.
74. Kesulitan berasal ketidakmauan menerima kenyataan.
75. Bila sang surya tenggelam merasa kehilangan, carilah bulan demi malam.
76. Laku keseharian mencerminkan kepribadian.
77. Kebenaran bukan putusan, tapi landasan, putusan benar dari landasan kebenaran.
78. Mengukur permasalah rumit atau tidak, dengan timbangan kebugaran, kesehatan akal budi pada jarak yang dibutuhkan.
79. Yang berpikir menguasai orang, separuh pendapat tidak bisa, lebih parah lagi telah dikuasai diri sendiri.
80. Orang besar sering menentukan pandangan umum.
81. Yang memperbaiki sesuatu bersifat sementara itu (mendekati) kekonyolan.
82. Makna hidup memberi faedah jalannya kehidupan.
83. Nilai terbaik ialah penguasaan pribadi.
84. Kebenaran yang tertangkap, menetap dalam jiwa.
85. Kesadaran tidak penuh, serupa membaca keremangan, bisa membahayakan.
86. Menarik pandangan harus hati-hati, agar tidak lepas dari pengertian semula.
87. Makna baik bergeser pada pengertian lugu, dan orang dianggap pintar sebab kekayaannya; ini perlu diselidik.
88. Keikhlasan menjadi punjer kebaikan.
89. Kejelekan sebagai kelemahan yang harus dilatih, agar tak terperosok lagi.
90. Insan memimpin dirinya, ini kesadaran penguasaan memerdekakan cita-cita.
91. Perundingan damai, adalah cara yang dibenci musuh-musuh kemanusiaan.
92. Harga diri itu mahkota ego sang putus-asa.
93. Harga diri itu kejiwaan emosional, sedangkan martabat itu nilai insani.
94. Saling toleran itu garis kekuasaan pribadi sekaligus jaminan keamanan.
95. Menguasai sesama itu kejahatan, sebab insan diperintah memberi pengajaran, bukan pengekangan.
96. Kekhawatiran meretakkan persahabatan, sebab mengharap lebih.
97. Apapun alasannya, mengalah demi kemaslahatan tetaplah terbaik.
98. Nafsu sering menyerupai nurani, sebab jarang menimba makna hening kesendirian batin dalam kejerihan jiwa.
99. Kesaksian jiwa merasuki persendian sukma, tapi kesaksian akal kerap terlupa.
100. Kedalaman hidup menggali warna sesama itu kehendak-Nya mengabadikan diri manusia.
101. Seringlah mengajukan persoalan waktu, sebab kita kerap terlupa dan melupa.
102. Makna hidup tidak lewati penelitian jitu penalaran cerdas, tetapi penerimaan dalam.
103. Sejati itu mengembangkan jiwa, menanam keyakinan di segenap laku.
104. Jiwa berkata-kata, pikiran menerangkan.
105. Musuh menjadi teman itu kelemahan dan kesalahan.
106. Yang menganggap semua penting, bukan orang bijak.
107. Lidah keliru, kadang oleh penerimaan telinga kurang tepat di waktunya.
108. Bagaimana pun baiknya topeng kebohongan, pastilah terbongkar.
109. Yang menganjurkan orang lain seperti air, tetapi dirinya sendiri sering membatu, sungguhlah hukum air belum meresapi penuh dalam tubuh.
110. Laku bersahaja belum tentu jiwanya pula, tapi kita terpikat oleh sikapnya.


These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy,
after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

1. The one who survives well to mean to the conviction as if he see his fate.
2. It is undeniable, God granted prejudice of His creature.
3. The Prejudice is such as a power of self suggestion.
4. Mostly, compliment weakens the seriousness.
5. Prejudice among one another is appeared hallucination.
6. House has dimension of lately; the quality of material, curving structure, coloring, lighting, ventilation and master of house must be charming.
7. Unusual is motivated by mysterious reasoning that caught by invisible side of real world.
8. Law of nature as reflection of the God’s laws.
9. Differentiates between prejudice and supposition.
10. Prejudice is the strength of illusion, and supposition is the reaching of the soul to genuineness.
11. The law is the product of authority.
12. From heavy debate then become quiet will bear opinion of honesty.
13. Logic of debate oftentimes just temporarily.
14. Take distance of viewing is safe technique to behave for goodness.
15. If great people felt clever, he should be stop to learn.
16. Justification the others to you are depending on your language.
17. Heart’s saying is accepted by heart, if received by the reasoning then another mind will value it. Hence, be careful to use the language of emotion.
18. Meditation is just the way to concentrate, and in social motion it’s much more difficult.
19. Social meditation is concentrate to make masterpiece, actively propaganda also always try to be sincere.
20. After the point of concentration, break through fortress of blocked temptation.
21. They turn the mind, because they don’t brave through your fully aware.
22. It’s much easier to ride on the heart than mind to humble before God.
23. Reincarnation is the memory before awareness step its feet of conviction on birth land.
24. Composure is imagining when it runs the process of creating the masterpiece.
25. The time is spirit; the place is the body, whilst chance beyond both.
26. Birth is the awareness of life.
27. The heart decides, soul searches the truth, the heart achieves, the mind calculates.
28. When the time and space is passed in, be sure that you understood wider about comprehending.
29. The God’s wish and man kinds becomes balance.
30. Oftentimes satisfaction sets perfection up.
31. The truth is the sameness of whole.
32. Ego freezes, and joyfulness flows.
33. Passion is abundant, hence we must control it well, because when the flux, the sea still yearning the coming of reflux.
34. Wave is teaching, but still hope on beach and coral of reprimand.
35. Rule attended before material and the material establish the law; this is crude sketch.
36. God deserves to claim.
37. Truly, human doesn’t bad judge on humanity.
38. Consequence comes from the motion of heart and musing to create reality.
39. Fertile land attends friendly people.
40. Your land is your heart, alike a soil follows the time.
41. You step on the dust as your personality in the universe.
42. Honesty is the beginning and the end of perfection.
43. Maturity does not at full moon, but defenselessness to wait for the death.
44. Student hopes maturity of mind and manner lightened on sincerity.
45. Action comes from experience also running knowledge.
46. Writer should know when he has to write poems, essay, phrase, etc, because the sketch of time and space had formed and also want the truly forms when born.
47. The law of eternal had already become the time and space before it getting in the time and space. The reality of color also shape, must be maximized from the sameness of nature before.
48. The difference maximizes working after found differentiator.
49. We often demands in the life because people want so, it is not right.
50. People don’t receive genuineness because doesn’t comfort for body and threat for psychology, or establishment of material is blocking because it transforms to be anxious.
51. We grow on the law of certain motion, but oftentimes tendencies to the right and left. Otherwise, feel everything is definitely. Hence, the law of certain is important to be known its uncertainty. We are between both with the belief.
52. By conviction, man can survive until now.
53. To survive at the top of desire, we better don’t think to pick the fruit when we are working.
54. Dream is strengthened by rugged sketches before which improve conviction.
55. The time said; the one had become belong to you now, hence, where will you step your feet?
56. Sometimes, assumption cuts the wings to attend the new one.
57. The honesty doesn’t care about reward and makes masterpieces is the real honesty.
58. The reward is the future of escapism, and present reality is establishing.
59. We must grow at the straight path between two poles, although it’s difficult.
60. The truth as leveled reality.
61. Virtue is the truth of expected help.
62. The crime is slowly reversed to its master.
63. The crime is visible disadvantages.
64. The power that defeats our selves must be appeared.
65. Defeats our selves by takes passion’s distance of reality of mind and instinct; passion is guided and reality is reflection, the mind is considering and the instinct as determinant.
66. The virtue corrects the soul and it will always renew consciousness.
67. The consciousness as the reality of faith.
68. Shift to aim to softness; this is the possibility to process the reality.
69. The conviction is asserted possibility.
70. The truth is the reality of process.
71. The belief is not talking, but blood and flesh and bones as witness.
72. Classify of wrong or right must be taken yarn of its reason.
73. The way of speech decides the color of impression.
74. Difficulty comes from unwilling to receive reality.
75. When the sunset you feel loss, find the moon for your night.
76. Everyday deed reflects personality.
77. The truth is not decision but foundation, and the right decision comes from right foundations.
78. Measures problems are complicated or not with judgment of freshness. Health of mind and heart at the expected distance.
79. The ones who thought he masters another, some opinion it can’t be. The worst is he had been mastered by him selves.
80. The great man often determines public views.
81. The one who repairs anything for temporarily is foolish.
82. The meaning of life gives benefaction of the way of live.
83. The best value is self mastering.
84. The captured truth is staying inside of our soul.
85. Half consciousness is such as read the vague, can be danger.
86. Takes vision must be carefully to do not escape from former comprehends.
87. The good meaning moved to become simple comprehending, and people supposed clever just because of his riches; it needs to be figured out.
88. The sincerity becomes the centre of virtue.
89. The bad thing as weakness must be trained, so it will not plunge into misery again.
90. Man kind leads him self, this is awareness of mastering to free aspiration.
91. Negotiation of peace is the way to be hated by the enemies of humanity.
92. Self esteem is crown for the ego of the ones in desperation.
93. The self esteem is emotional psychology, whilst grade is the value of humanity.
94. Tolerating each other is the line of personal power also guarantee of security.
95. Masters the other man is crime, because man kinds are commanded to give teaching, not restrain.
96. Anxiousness fissure friendship, because hopes more.
97. Whatever the reasons are, succumb for prosperity is still the best.
98. Passion often looks alike heart of heart, because seldom to study the clear meaning of loneliness of the heart of soul’s efforts.
99. Testimony of the soul obsesses hinge of life spirit, but the testimony of mind oftentimes be forgotten.
100. The depth of live quarries the color of all man kinds is the God’s wish to record us.
101. You must be often to submit the matter about time, because, mostly, we forget and be forgotten.
102. The meaning of live is not through accurate researching and clever logical reasoning, but deep receiving.
103. The genuineness is expanding the soul and embedding the faith in whole deed.
104. The soul says, the mind explains.
105. The enemy becomes friend is weakness and mistake.
106. The one who thinks that alls are important is not wise guy.
107. The tongue wrong to say; because of sometimes the receiving ear is not precisely at the time.
108. How good we hide falsehood, it will discover.
109. The ones who give advice to someone else like water, but him self oftentimes rigid as a stone. Indeed, the law of water is not fully absorbed yet into the body.
110. The comfort deed doesn’t mean his soul too, but we hypnotized by his attitude.


Inilah penulis tempuh (Kulya dalam Relung Filsafat), setelah membaca susunannya Leo Tolstoy: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

1. Gerimis mengantarkan pada pertemuan nurani pemahaman jiwa. Ketika percakapan mengalir, angan mendung menjelma hujan kenyataan.
2. Kejujuran manis tak terkatakan lisan, tapi melewati tulisan, serasa air liur nikmat ditelan.
3. Kelahiran memberi pencerahan, serupa senyum para tamu bersambut kebahagiaan.
4. Wanita berdaya, perempuan berpribadi, kata ‘nona’ menggoda. Dan kataku; kau tak bernama, tapi memberi makna.
5. Menyembelih hewan kurban disebut kejahatan, itu tak memahami fitroh keseluruhan.
6. Saya kurang tertarik vegetarian, yang merasa suci tidak menumpahkan darah kurban.
7. Perasaan berlebih menjelma bahan kesenian.
8. Seni itu spiritual yang ditampakkan.
9. Kesenian itu rasa, karyanya sejenis komposisi perasaan.
10. Jiwa seniman seperti air, ini pembentuk pribadi luhur.
11. Seni laksana kabut pagi selubungi alam tropis di hati.
12. Bunyi musik penggugah rasa terbaik, tetapi kata-kata bermakna, tak kalah hebat saat mencapai kesendiriannya.
13. Ingatan, imajinasi, pikiran, dan perasaan, sebagai tangan insan yang lain.
14. Mungkin terlalu cepat berkesimpulan, bahwa ruh kudus kita rasakan.
15. Kebaikan ialah menyadari fitroh yang teremban.
16. Ada yang boros penyampaian, tapi saya percaya manusia memiliki ukuran berimbang.
17. Saya tak tahu konsep yang dimiliki, sampai berulang kali masuk penjara, tapi saya yakin dia pun ingin mencari kebaikan.
18. Manusia kini, masih saja membungkus sesuatu yang tak tercapai dangan (bahasa) mitos.
19. Konsep berjalan seirama kesadaran menjadi perubahan biasa, jika menuju kebaikan.
20. Kesalahan terbukti, begitu juga kebenaran. Pepatah Jawa; Becik ketitik, Olo ketoro.
21. Pandangan keliru oleh kebiasaan buruk pendahulu, salah besar tidak merubahnya.
22. Sering kali kekeliruan bertahan, sebab tak menumbuhkan bunga kebaharuan.
23. Angan sejenis rayuan, bisa melumpuhkan kesadaran, walau sekejap fatal.
24. Bedakan angan dan harapan.
25. Yang istirah tidur, masih membawa kesadaran bangun, meski pun lemah.
26. Kita sering dirayu oleh kesibukan yang menambah jauh dari tujuan hidup.
27. Bimbinglah kesadaran perubahan fisik pula spiritual, demi kesejatian.
28. Perubahan hidup terlintas cepat, pun melewati tangga kesadaran.
29. Di dunia ada hukum nurani serta masyarakat, dan Tuhan menghendaki keselarasan.
30. Menipu diri sendiri dan orang lain, sama-sama berbahaya.
31. Rasa malu itu tanda keimanan. Lalu bagaimana, dengan rasa malu yang palsu?
32. Keyakinan sejati takkan terganti, malah semakin teryakini.
33. Membela negara itu kebaikan, demi tegaknya kemanusiaan.
34. Bedakan iri hati dengan cemburu.
35. Iri hati terkikis dengan sikap rendah hati, di bawah kaki kesadaran tertinggi.
36. Rendah hati merupakan sumber kebaikan.
37. Makanan paling baik dari buah keringatnya sendiri.
38. Menghormati yang kita kasihi itu menjaga kebaikan.
39. Kenapa kita sering memberi, yang tidak dibutuhkan?
40. Tuhan sayang kepada orang bekerja sambil berdzikir, daripada berdzikir sambil menanti belas kasih.
41. Tuhan sayang kepada orang berpikir sambil berdzikir, daripada berdzikir sambil merasai kalau Tuhan mencintai.
42. Sederhana saja tempat berteduh, banyaklah bercangkul, menanam di tubuh.
43. Kebaikan hati sering rusak oleh sifat keakuan.
44. Curigai kebaikan hatimu sebelum ke orang lain.
45. Memuliakan orang berilmu ialah tiang tradisi.
46. Perbuatan baik-buruk, tentu bersebab-akibat.
47. Perasaan itu kepribadian kalbu.
48. Tetumbuhan indah bisa melembutkan jiwa insan.
49. Kembang membahagiakan para insan, apalagi buah hati.
50. Kelembutan tersentuh kalbu, maka rawatlah ketenangan.
51. Pertentangan dalam diri, sebab bersebrangan keyakinan.
52. Kewajiban mematuhi nurani, hakmu menyuburkan akal.
53. Keseriusanmu berkarya, menenangkan ketika istirah.
54. Keyakinanmu yang teguh, menggetarkan orang lain.
55. Patuhilah perjanjianmu dengan sukacita, meski payah.
56. Keyakinan, tiada urusannya dengan akal sehat, tetapi biasanya menyetujui.
57. Keyakinan tidak kemana-mana, tapi dapat mengelanakan pemiliknya.
58. Pikiran ke langit tak memperoleh apa, jika hati mendapati kebenaran.
59. Ketentuan-Nya menjadi keinginan insan, kalau berharap dicintai.
60. Hiburlah kesedihanmu bersama-Nya.
61. Kebahagiaan itu seirama.
62. Ruh itu nafas, jiwa rasa, sukma kehendak, hati merasai, nurani berjalan.
63. Kebenaran itu kebaikan, dan kebaikan benar sanggup menumbuhkan.
64. Kebenaran, seelok wanita mulia sulit didapat.
65. Kebaikan adalah awal dan akhir kebahagiaan.
66. Kasih, merupakan ucapan orang-orang bijak.
67. Ruang-waktu tak pernah sama, tapi ada kemiripan mendukung kesamaan.
68. Ruang-waktu bisa mencederai pun menyatukannya.
69. Kadang, kita terjebak berbohong yang tak diharapkan.
70. Kesalahan mengambil ‘kata,’ bukan kebohongan, tapi wajib belajar.
71. Kebohongan, ketika melakukannya sesadar-sadarnya.
72. Ruang-waktu hakiki terbentuk, oleh keinginan penghuninya.
73. Gairah serta tidaknya, menentukan terbentur atau menyatu.
74. Kesahajaan mendekati kemakmuran.
75. Manusia diberi kelebihan menemukan makna.
76. Kehendak sejati menuju kepurnaan.
77. Kurangi sifat jahat sedikit demi sedikit, maka kebaikan berjalan pelahan.
78. Hujan sering melurus-lembutkan penyampaian serta pemahaman.
79. Doa itu kumpulan keyakinan, kesungguhan, dan keajaiban yang ternyatakan.
80. Yang tak berusaha keras, tidak mengetahui sejatinya kenikmatan.
81. Nilai moral menjadi pribadi peradaban.
82. Tuhan penguasa jaman, menganugerahkan insan demi mengatur alam.
83. Peradaban itu jiwanya anak-anak jaman.
84. Salah satu buah pohon filsafat itu kebijaksanaan.
85. Ilmu, ialah pemahaman manusia pada alam sekitar.
86. Tugas penyair, filsuf, dan ilmuan lain, mempelajari ayat-ayat tersirat.
87. Insan memiliki daya supranatural, minimal sejenis sugesti pun firasat.
88. Daya-dinaya spiritual, dapat membantu kekuatan fisikal.
89. Peradaban itu spiritualitas bumi, sedang hiasan di dalamnya ialah wadak.
90. Harta tak dapat dirampok itu spiritual, kecuali suka (senang) menyatakan keakuan.
91. Keramahan, salah satu tanda orang utama.
92. Dermawan tersenyum dalam pemberian, dan mereka benar membutuhkan.
93. Amal baikmu bukanlah ibadah, tapi Tuhan sangat sayang dicatatnya sebagai pahala.
94. Puncak itu keheningan purna, dari kegaduhan bunyi yang berwarna.
95. Moral anak terbentuk oleh lingkungan.
96. Keyakinan, pikiran, imajinasi anak, menentukan kejiwaan dikala dewasa.
97. Penceritaan ke anak, mampu membangkitkan imaji emosi yang besar.
98. Aturan pada anak-anak, menentukan daya emosional akalnya.
99. Ajari anak bekerja dengan memberi contoh ketekunan nyata.
100. Manusia, diberi kekuasaan mewujudkan impian pada keyakinan ke dunia nyata.
101. Ukuran memperjelas karakter.
102. Ajaran kebajikan hati, menjaga kelanggengan hayat.
103. Kata rahasia Tuhan tersimpan dalam diri, dan hanya dikabarkan-Nya sedikit.
104. Manfaat hasil olahan daya spiritual, atau spiritual hakikat ialah badan manfaat.
105. Yang menjalani hidup berkaki kemanusiaan ialah ilmu pengetahuan.
106. Ilmu pengetahuan itu spiritual, tapi kita sering melihat fisiknya saja.
107. Pembunuhan itu jahat, maka hukum ketegasan penting, demi tidak menjalar.
108. Kasih ialah wujud keadilah tuhan.
109. Fitnah adalah bapak kepengecutan.
110. Nalar prajurit menentukan sikap, tapi digayuh kasih jikalau tinggi spiritual.
111. Sering kali, kita salah memahami dua kata ini, kepatuhan dan ketaatan.
112. Melanggar perintah dari atasan demi kemanusiaan, lebih bijaksana.
113. Persaudaraan itu, salah satu jiwa kebenaran.
114. Sebarkan salam, maka akan merdeka dari penderitaan.
115. Jadilah, atau tumpahkan dirimu ke dalam ruang-waktu sekarang juga.
116. Ruh tidak meruang-waktu, tapi dapat merasakan kedua-duanya.
117. Aku belum berkata, tapi kau menerka, ini menimbulkan salah paham.
118. Cinta tidak harus memiliki, sewujud kesejatian kudu (harus) menyatu, sebab cinta senafas ajaran ada pemeluknya, dan tubuh tanpa ajaran, akan kering spiritual.
119. Seperti pada Ujaran-ujaran Hidup Sang Pujangga; marilah saling menyadari, dan kembali bersetia.


These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy, after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

1. The drizzle brings us into the meeting of heart of understands soul. When the conversation is going, the dreaming of cloud transformed to be the rain of reality.
2. Honesty is sweet if told by writing not by oral, as saliva tasted good when it’s swallowed.
3. Birth gives brightness, alike smiling of guests welcomed happily.
4. Ladies are powerful, women have character, and young lady’s speaking is tempted. I said: you have no name but give meaning.
5. The one who said that butchered animal for religious offering as crime, he doesn’t know the whole of pure destiny.
6. I am not interesting too much with vegetarian who feels as holy man that doesn’t spill out the blood of victims.
7. Excessive feeling transforms to be material of art.
8. The art is appeared spiritual.
9. The art is about feeling, its works is such as composition of feeling.
10. The soul of artist like water, this is developer of supreme personality.
11. The art as mist of morning, it covers the tropic nature of heart.
12. Sound of music is the best thing to awaken the feeling. But, holy sentences have wisdom are not worst when it get into its loneliness.
13. Memory, imagination, minds, and feeling is the other’s hand of man kinds.
14. Probably, it’s too soon to make conclusion that we felt the Holy Spirit.
15. Virtue is realizing the executed pure destiny.
16. There are some who lavishes in speech, but I believe that man kind has balanced standard.
17. I don’t know what concept he had until so many times get in to the jail. But, I believe he also wanted to find the benevolence.
18. The present human being is still encasing something unreachable with myth.
19. The concept runs to match consciousness, becomes usual change if aims to benevolence.
20. Guilt is proven, so as the truth. Alike the Javanese aphorism; becik ketitik, olo ketoro, which means the good one will be known, the evil too.
21. Wrong view came from bad habit of the former, big mistake if don’t change it.
22. Oftentimes some mistaken survives, because it doesn’t grow the flower of renewal.
23. The daydreaming is such as flattery. It can paralyze awareness, although just a moment, but it is fatal.
24. Differentiates between daydreaming and hope.
25. The one who is resting by sleep still bringing the awareness of awaken, although it’s weak.
26. We often flattered by activity that makes us to be far away from destination of live.
27. Guide the consciousness to the change of physical and the change of spiritual for genuineness.
28. The changes of life pass quickly, and through the level of its awareness.
29. In this world there is the law of heart and also society and God wish the harmonious.
30. Cheats our selves and another else are danger.
31. Shy is the sign of faith. Then, how about the fake shy?
32. The true conviction will never be replaced, instead it becomes more believed.
33. Defense the country is a kindness for humanism.
34. Differentiates between covetous and jealous.
35. The covetous is eroded by modesty at the leg of highest consciousness.
36. The modesty is source of virtue.
37. The best food comes from the result of our own efforts.
38. Respect the one we love is taking care of the virtue.
39. Why we often give unneeded one?
40. God loves the man works and dzikrullah, than just doing dzikrullah* to wait His mercy.
41. God loves the man thinks and dzikrullah, than doing dzikrullah has feeling that He loves him.
42. Your place to shade is better just simply; improve your self to hoe to plant on our selves.
43. The virtue often damaged by egoism.
44. Distrust your virtue before you do it to somebody else.
45. Glorify intellectualist is the foundation of tradition.
46. The good and bad deed will be sure has cause and result.
47. The feeling is the personality of heart.
48. Beauty plants can soften the man’s soul.
49. Even the flower makes man kinds be happy, moreover your heart’s result.
50. The softness is touched by heart, hence takes good care of the composure.
51. Conflict in our selves just because of crossing on conviction.
52. Your duty to obey the heart, your right to fertile the mind.
53. Your seriousness to make masterpiece is comforting when you get rest.
54. Your tough conviction shakes the other.
55. Obey your agreement joyfully, although it’s hard.
56. The conviction has no business with common sense, but it usually approves.
57. The conviction doesn’t go anywhere, but it can wander the owner.
58. The mind went to the sky but didn’t get anything, if the heart had already got the truth.
59. God’s command becomes man’s wish if he hopes to be loved.
60. Entertain your sadness by humbling before Him.
61. The happiness is harmonious.
62. The spirit is breath, the soul is feeling, the life spirit is the wish, the heart to sense, the heart of heart to walk.
63. The truth is kindness, and the right kindness can grow.
64. The truth is such as noble woman, it is hard to get.
65. The kindness is the beginning and the end of happiness.
66. Love is the word of wise person.
67. The time and space is never same, but there are similarities to support sameness.
68. The time and space can hurt and also can unite.
69. Sometimes, we are trapped to lie that we doesn’t hope.
70. The mistaken takes the words, it’s not falsehood but you have to learn.
71. Falsehood, when we are doing it, we do it consciously.
72. The time and space of essence is formed because of the willing of the owner.
73. Passionate or not, it determines to crash or to unite.
74. Joyfulness approaches to prosperity.
75. Mans are blessed by perfection, which is, to find the meaning.
76. The true wish aims to perfection.
77. Lessens the evil from a little to a little, the kindness will appear slowly.
78. The rain oftentimes straightens and softens the speech and also understanding.
79. Pray is the collection of conviction, the seriousness also miracle is told.
80. The one who does not try hard will not know the essence of grace.
81. The value of morality becomes personality of civilization.
82. God is the lord of times blesses to human kind to arrange the nature.
83. The civilization is the soul of child of era.
84. One of the fruit of the tree of Philosophy is judiciousness.
85. Science is the understanding of man to around nature.
86. The obligation of poet, philosopher and also scientist to learn the implicitly verses.
87. The man kinds have the power of supernatural, at least a suggestion or even a feeling.
88. The powers of spiritual can help the strength of physic.
89. The civilization is the earth’s spirituality, whilst the decoration inside of it is physic.
90. The treasury that can’t be robbed is spiritual treasury, unless he likes to tell about egoism.
91. Hospitality is one of the signs of eminent person.
92. Philanthropist smiles in giving to the one who really needs.
93. Your charity is not worship, but God loves and he record it as reward.
94. The top is mature stillness from noisy of variety voices.
95. The child morality is formed by his around.
96. The conviction, the mind, the imagination, of children determines their psychology when they are adult.
97. Telling story to the kids can awaken imagination and emotion pretty much.
98. The rule to the kids can determine the power of their mind’s emotional.
99. Teach the kids to work by giving them example of real diligence.
100. Man kinds are blessed the power to bring the dream of conviction into the reality of the real world.
101. The value clarifies character.
102. The ideology of heart’s righteousness guards the eternality of heart.
103. The God’s secret words are saved in our selves, we are told just a little.
104. The benefaction is the efforts of the power of spiritual’s process or on the contrary.
105. The one who runs this life with the foundation of humanity is knowledge.
106. The knowledge is spiritual, but we often only see its physic.
107. Murdering is evil, the law of strictness is necessary in order to do not spread around.
108. Love is the realization of God’s justice.
109. Slander is the father of coward.
110. The mind of soldier determines attitude, but love will reach if the spiritual is higher.
111. We often misunderstand this two words; pursuance and fidelity.
112. Violation to an order from higher level for humanity is much wiser.
113. Brotherhood is one of the souls of truth.
114. Propagates greeting, it will make you free from suffering.
115. Be or get your self into the time and space right now.
116. The spirit doesn’t absorb into the time and space. But, it can feel both.
117. I haven’t said yet, but you already guessed. It bears misunderstanding.
118. Love shouldn’t have a form of genuineness that must unite, because there are followers of love one breath with the ideology. And, the body without ideology will dry on spiritual.
119. Alike in The Pronouncements of the Poet; let us realize and back to be loyal.

*) repeatedly chant part of the confession of faith, often in unison, as the form of worship.

Sebelumnya: http://sastra-indonesia.com/2020/05/kulya-dalam-relung-filsafat-juli-september/

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