Prolog: Nang Ning Nung, Inilah selera Kebijakanku
Nurel Javissyarqi
Inilah penulis tempuh (Kulya dalam Relung Filsafat), setelah membaca susunannya Leo Tolstoy: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day
1. Manusia diberi kemampuan menarik kebenaran serta kekeliruan.
2. Hukum keselarasan yang langgeng mengenai kehidupan.
3. Kita, tanah ladang mendapati hujan Kasih Sayang.
4. Sepertinya, ilmu yang diciptakan Tuhan awal kali itu keindahan.
5. Berbicara seni itu rasa, menciptakannya semacam membangkitkan rasa.
6. Semua sadar arti kebebasan, tapi sedikit yang mampu membebaskan.
7. Awal kebebasan mengkaji aturan.
8. Yang merusak alam, sebab mengatasnamakan kekejian dengan kebebasan.
9. Tuhan mengatur kelestarian hidup manusia serta mematahkan sifat kebinatangan lewat hukum kejelasan, agar tidak menjalar laksana api.
10. Kita mengarahkan anak, agar tahu di dalam kehidupan ada aturan.
11. Tiada di dunia ini kesia-siaan, bagi yang menarik kesimpulan.
12. Yang tahu kebaikan, tentu tahu tidaknya.
13. Perang tak perlu terjadi, tapi siapa sanggup mengelaknya. Carilah yang membuatmu bertempur dalam diri.
14. Tanpa pengetahuan benar, tidak akan menemukan kebenaran, meski dalam kesadaran.
15. Kesadaran itu pintu memahami kebenaran.
16. Keterbatasan sebagai bukti adanya aturan tak terjangkau.
17. Cara menghilangkan jenuh, lewat memberi perhatian lebih di ruang cemburu.
18. Berpikirlah mandiri, antara himpitan pendapat orang lain.
19. Pendapat umum serupa kepala tanpa tubuh.
20. Tujuan kekuasaan sebenarnya mengatur.
21. Ketidakseimbangan dimasuki daya berimbang, jika tidak, akan sirna kelanggengan.
22. Kehidupan sebagai keajaiban yang tampak.
23. Hukum gerak itu wujud kehidupan.
24. Apakah pengembangan hukum Tuhan, masih murni hukum-Nya?
25. Jika pikiran sehat berkumpul, belum tentu hasilnya menyehatkan.
26. Seolah kehendak-Nya waktu terjelaskan, saat mentok permasalahan.
27. Tuhan memakai simbul dalam kehidupan, agar insan mudah memahami.
28. Hidup ialah pilihan yang mengejutkan.
29. Kekal menghadirkan kekekalan, itu ruh berjiwa suci, sukma mentaati.
30. Demi mendapati pembenaran, gunakan kemampuan dengan benar.
31. Sering kali setelah bicara panjang lebar, sedikit yang dapat dilukiskan, ini serupa alokasi energi dengan pemborosan yang menguap ke udara.
32. Kesederhanaan membentuk ketenangan memberi jalan lapang.
33. Semua orang tahu bibit bencana ialah kerakusan.
34. Kita melihat kehendak sejati tercermin dalam kesahajaan hidup.
35. Kesamaan penderitaan menjelma daya terbesar mewujud perubahan (revolusi).
36. Jika berjanji kedua kali, mana yang dianggap paling benar dan murni?
37. Kejadian dialami menjadi bimbingan gratis, jika ikhlas menerima.
38. Niat berbuat baik sejenis embrio keimanan.
39. Ujaran itu terkumpulnya faham-faham, sebab insan tidak hidup sendirian.
40. Ketetapanmu diuji tuhan, saat diangkat oleh-Nya ke permukaan.
41. Kerugian berasal dari diri sendiri, ini berlaku balik.
42. Pemahaman atau memahami ialah usaha kebaikan.
43. Kita sering memperhatikan lebih, yang nantinya tak memberi keselamatan.
44. Kemerdekaan bukan tujuan, tapi alat mencapai kebahagiaan.
45. Tempat belajar bukan di bangku sekolah, tapi di ladang realita.
46. Perubahan dalam kehidupan termasuk hipnosis menuju keajaiban.
47. Jangan terima keajaiban dengan kekaguman lebih, jika berharap kelembutan hukum-Nya.
48. Kata terlambat pada kamusnya orang-orang yang tak mempunyai daya.
49. Kekonyolan sering terjadi, lantaran ngeyel dalam menyikapi kehidupan.
50. Melumpuhkan mengacaukan itu sakitnya akal sehat, sebab kemabukan.
51. Ketika kemarahan memuncak, akal sehat tinggal sejengkal.
52. Menampik kebenaran nurani, murni bukan akal sehat.
53. Orang buta membanggakan kekayaannya.
These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy, after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day
Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto
1. The man gives capability to take the truth and the mistake.
2. The law of everlasting harmony is about life.
3. We are the land, showered by the rain f love.
4. Alike the first created knowledge by God is beauty.
5. Talk about art is sense; to create it is such as awaken the feeling.
6. All person conscious about the meaning of freedom, but, a few of them can be free.
7. The beginning of freedom is analyzing the rule.
8. The one destructs the nature because of doing it on the name of violence with freedom.
9. God organizes prosperity life of man, and breaks men’s animality through the laws of intelligibility, to do not spread around like the fire.
10. We teach our children, so they could know there is rule in this live.
11. There is nothing uselessly in this world for the one who will conclude.
12. Knows the goodness, definitely knows the opposite.
13. The war doesn’t need to be happen, but who could deny it. Find something makes you fought in your self.
14. Without correct knowledge, there won’t be any truth, although in fully consciousness.
15. The consciousness is the gate to understand the truth.
16. Limitedness feels as a proof of unreachable existence of rules of us.
17. The way to loosen boring is by gives more intention to the spaces of jealous.
18. Thinks independently between the pressures of another’s opinion.
19. Public opinion is usually like the head without body.
20. Purpose of powers is truly to arrange.
21. Unbalancing must be included by the strength of balance, if not, the eternality will lose.
22. Life is as visible miracle.
23. The law of motion is the configuration of life.
24. What is the educing of God’s laws? Does it pure like the older?
25. If common senses meet, don’t mean its result is healthy.
26. As if God’s wishes about time had explained, when the problem is meeting the dead end.
27. God use symbols in this life, for the human being to easily recognize.
28. Life is surprising choice.
29. The eternality presences immortality is the spirit with sacred and pure soul to obey.
30. To get social justification, use your ability in the right way.
31. Mostly, after talked a lot, only a little can be described, this is such a kind of allocation of energy with improvidence evaporates to the air.
32. Simplicity forms composure to give opened wide path.
33. Every body knows that the cause of disaster is greedy.
34. We see the genuine wishes are reflected in the comfort live.
35. Sameness of pain transforms the biggest power to create change.
36. If you give promise for twice, which one you think the most correct and most pure?
37. The event you experienced becomes free guidance when you be sincere to receive.
38. The intention to do something good is just such as embryo of faith.
39. Pronouncement is collection of some understanding, because the man doesn’t live alone.
40. Your decision had tested by God is raised by Him to the surface.
41. The true disadvantage comes from our selves, this run in reverse ways.
42. Understanding or to understand is effort of virtue.
43. We often pay attention much more, which will not give any safety.
44. Freedom doesn’t purpose, but, as the means to reach happiness.
45. The place to study doesn’t in school, but, on the field of reality.
46. The change in this life is included in hypnotic aims to miracle.
47. Don’t take miracle by more than usual amazement, if you hope on the mercy of God’s laws.
48. The word ‘too late’ is only belong to the people has no strength.
49. Foolish oftentimes because of some behave of ngeyel in take action to this life. (ngeyel is a word from Javanese, which mean disagree with something as if he knows much about it. In fact, his knowledge is just a little bit.)
50. Immobilize and derange is the sick of common sense because of drunk.
51. When anger culminates, the common sense is remaining one step.
52. Resisting the truth of the hearth, it is not purely by the common sense.
53. Blind man pride on his riches.
Inilah penulis tempuh (Kulya dalam Relung Filsafat), setelah membaca susunannya Leo Tolstoy: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day
1. Pikiran serupa jiwa senantiasa muda.
2. Kehidupan tubuh tidak bebas, walau ada ‘ng-ilmu’ memecah raga.
3. Merdeka atau terkekang, terlihat corak pikirannya.
4. Hasrat tanpa didukung pikiran, hanyalah angin.
5. Pikiran tanpa usaha, laksana orang jompo.
6. Kematian bukan perubahan.
7. Bedakan perubahan dengan perpindahan.
8. Siapa bilang kebaikan dan kejahatan spiritual di luar waktu?
9. Masa bersebab-akibat sebagaimana ruang, lantas balasan dinamakan akibat.
10. Penyesalan bukanlah hukuman, tapi cahaya pencerahan.
11. Kepiluan, cermin permasalahan yang belum terpecahkan.
12. Pemahaman hidup itu, hakikat napas meneguk perjalanan.
13. Orang terpuji banyak dibutuhkan, dan sedikit membutuhan.
14. Orang berpribadi mandiri tanpa contoh, sudah memberi contoh.
15. Kata-kata biasa dari yang kita anggap luar biasa, kita merasa besar di belakangnya, kita terpengaruh bukan isinya, tapi atas penyampaiannya.
16. Pandanganmu menentukan langkah.
17. Sejiwa nyala lilin dibawa berlari harus hati-hati, agar tak tertiup angin kencang, atau habis meleleh sebelum sampai.
18. Jiwa pemberani, sejenis nyala obor dibawa berlari tak padam di tengah jalan, malah berkobar sampai tujuan.
19. Pandanglah jalanmu, lalu pikirkan bagaimana melangkah.
20. Memasuki jiwa penulis, akan lebih mudah memahami (karyanya).
21. Kesadaran melingkupi diri memberi peringatan, apakah celoteh bebocah, orang gila, pengemis, gerimis, atau batu-batu sandungan.
22. Kehidupan mewujudkan keajaiban Ilahi yang tampak.
23. Luruskan pikiranmu, sebab kaki-kaki di tepi jurang waktu.
24. Di dunia ini, tiada getaran selain kedekatan.
25. Tunggangi waktumu dengan usaha keras.
26. Ruang-waktu milikmu, maka jangan terlambat menebar kasih.
27. Lahir-batin harus ada pembimbing, agar tak tersesat pun angkuh.
28. Keserakahan berawal dari kesadaran kepemilikan, ingatlah semuanya amanah.
29. Kemurahan hati atas kesadaran keberlangsungan bagi landasan hidup.
30. Bedakan bahasa kalbu, ruh, nalar, jiwa pun sukma, agar gampang memasukinya.
31. Kehendak-Nya hakiki, maka luruskan pemahaman.
32. Kau terhipnosis kata-kata, yang kau anggap benar.
33. Yang dianggap pesaing jadi pemacu, itulah pemberi dorongan.
34. Kebenaran sampai atau tidak, tetaplah kebenaran. Kita bisa mengukur gunung dengan tak perlu mendaki, cukup penggaris atas hitungan seksama.
35. Apakah benar-salah berangkat dari perkiraan, lantas tidak terbantah?
36. Tidak seharusnya semua permasalahan minta pertimbangan. Tidak cukupkah mempercayai dirimu di dalam kesendirian?
37. Ada kurang perlu diselesaikan, kalau melarut dalam (waktu) kesia-siaan.
38. Kesenangan sejati dihasilkan pikiran terarah, dan kerja keras lahir-batin.
39. Mengerjakan yang diinginkan, inilah kesenangan.
40. Sebaiknya makhluk menjalani fitrohnya berkewajaran.
41. Baik-buruknya di luar-dalam diri, tergantung kepahaman keduanya.
42. Keahlian beraneka ragam, sedang wujud kemerdekaan diberikan Tuhan.
43. Memberi pemaafan, salah satu puncak kesadaran pun penyadaran.
44. Kebaikan hati tentramkan jiwa, ini kurang menarik, tapi dibutuhkan.
45. Awal mula pelajaran kebaikan dari agama.
46. Agama tidak bertentangan nurani, tapi merealisasikannya.
47. Kebaikanmu menyungguhi yang teridam, demi keseimbangan.
48. Kerelaan yang sungguh, menjadi kebahagiaan yang tak terbantah.
49. Dari awal kelahiran, manusia butuh uluran tangan.
50. Saat-saat terbaik hidupmu selaras yang Tuhan inginkan.
51. Doa terkabul, dimana menyadari kehadiran-Nya mendekap ke dalam diri.
52. Lakumu itu doa tidak terbantah, maka yakinkan menyeluruh jalanmu.
53. Yang menghitung kebahagiaan materi, menderitalah, jika ditinggalkan.
54. Negeriku terserang demam karya picisan, aku maklumi, hanya kurang ajar (tidak wajar), jika sampai generasi terhormat.
55. Kebenaran dapat dipahami, dengan mencari sumbernya di hati.
56. Ketenangan modal penguasaan dalam kegelapan pun dalam terang benderang.
57. Ketenangan menahan air di gelas, agar tak tumpah dibawa berjalan.
58. Kalau mengawali perjalanan, sepatutnya sampai yang diharapkan.
59. Sempurnalah firman Tuhan, hanya kita kurang mengungkap simbul-simbul-Nya.
60. Para pencari kemerdekaan, banyak yang terbelenggu kebendaan.
61. Kalau penebusan dosa ukuran manusia, agama bukan dari Tuhan.
62. Proses menjelma kesenangan yang sungguh berharga.
63. Kemalasan di ambang kesekaratan menuju kematian.
64. Kasih sayang itu bahasa lain Keadilan.
65. Kesahajaan sebagai dasar keadilan.
66. Perbuatan baik, anak kunci keadilan.
67. Yang paham diri mengetahui rahasia tanpa ‘membaca,’ dirinya menyerupai catatan berjalan.
68. Jika mencari kekuasaan, bersiap-siaplah dikuasai.
69. Kalau berharap kekayaan, bersiaplah tidak menemukan.
70. Kebahagiaan perlu keseimbangan, demi kelanggengan idaman.
71. Kemalangan, sebab memaksakan jalan nalar, bukan kesahajaan batin.
72. Persoalan berat, sebab tidak dipersiapkan, padahal sebelumnya diberi masa lebih.
73. Iman bukanlah kekayaan jiwa, tetapi ladangnya, maka olahlah bagi sesama.
74. Yang beriman tidak percaya, kecuali yang diyakininya.
75. Iman memberi petunjuk, serupa senja bagi petani segera pulang.
76. Keyakinan semakin tampak, jikalau dalam keadaan rumit.
77. Berserahlah kepada-Nya, sebagaimana memahami diri terdalam.
78. Belum benar walau kalimatnya benar, maka carilah atau kerjakan, demi menemukan kesejatian.
79. Hujan dari awan, begitu muasal kita ke samudra, tapi laluannya membedakan, ada melewati sungai berlimbah, pula elok berliku indah. Tapi apa itu? Yang tak mengalir ke mana-mana, tak bermanfaat sebagaimana telaga (tua).
80. Idaman bermakna kecenderungan, kepada waktu yang merasakan.
81. Kesadaran umum belum tentu kebenarannya, ada kabut membekukan pengertian dalam komunitas, serupa kebiasaan salah kaprah berlabel tradisi.
82. Yang melihat gunung akan mendaki, sedang para pendaki merindu kampung halaman.
83. Kekuasaan Tuhan tercium sampai ketidakberdayaan manusia.
84. Yang banyak digemari seni bercinta, tapi sedikit yang pahami kedalamannya.
85. Karya terindah bukan hasil kenangan, tapi tangkapan ke depan, seperti melempar jala mendapati yang belum terlihat sebelumnya.
These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy, after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day
Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto
1. Mind as soul. It is always young.
2. The life of body is not freely, although there is some have learned the magic to break the body.
3. Be free or restrained is seen from the color of his mind.
4. Passion without mind is just like the wind.
5. The mind without efforts is like old folks.
6. Death is not change.
7. Differentiates between change and transferring.
8. Who told you that benefaction of spiritual and crime of spiritual is outside the time?
9. The time has causal relation as such the space, recompense is called as result.
10. Regret is not punishment, but it such a light of brightness.
11. Sadness is the mirror of unsolved problems.
12. Comprehension of life is the essence of breath to experience the journey.
13. The blessed man is needed by most people, and he needs a few.
14. People have independence personality without example had already given example.
15. Common words came from phenomenal words, we feel great at behind, and we are influenced by its telling, not by its meaning.
16. Your view determines your steps.
17. A life fire of candle must be careful in bringing it to run, in order to do not be blown by the wind or melting away before get into the purposed place.
18. Brave soul is such as the light of torch brought to run won’t be fire off at mid way, instead flaming up until the purposed place.
19. Behold your path, and then think how you step.
20. Come in to the soul of writer, will be easier to understand him.
21. Awareness is embosoming our selves gives warning, is that from children’s talking, from psycho, from beggar, or from the stones of stumbling block.
22. The life bears miracle of shown God’s line.
23. Straighten your mind, because the feet are at the edge of gap.
24. There is no pulse in this world except nearness.
25. Ride on your time by trying hard.
26. The space and time is yours, hence don’t just stand up like statue to disperse love.
27. We have to have guider for our mind and heart, in order to do not lost and also conceited.
28. Greedy comes from realizes ownership. Remember, that’s all are mandate.
29. Generosity by conscious on what goes on as the foundation of live.
30. Differentiates among the language of the heart, spirit, mind, life spirit, and soul, to make you easier to enter it.
31. His (God) wish is absolute, hence straighten your comprehending.
32. You are hypnotized by the words you think right.
33. The one suspicious as competitor becomes the one who gives motivation.
34. The truth is the truth, no matter it accomplishes or not. We can measure the mountain without climb it, will be enough just use ruler with accurate quantification.
35. Is it true, leave from approximation and then become undeniable?
36. All problems shouldn’t ask for consideration. Don’t you feel enough belief your self in loneliness?
37. There is deficiency must be finish, if getting in the late of time of useless.
38. The true happiness resulted by aimed mind and work hard of body and heart.
39. What we are doing is what we wanted, this is pleasure.
40. The best creature runs his pure destiny by fittingness.
41. Pros and cons of outside and inside of our selves are depending on the comprehending of both parts.
42. Skill is variety, whilst the realization of freedom is given by God.
43. Giving forgiveness is one of the top of consciousness and also resuscitation.
44. The virtue can comfort the soul, this is not interesting but it needed.
45. The former lesson about virtue comes from religion.
46. The religion doesn’t contradict with the heart, but realizes it.
47. Your virtue to mean to the longing is for balance.
48. The real sincerity becomes undeniable happiness.
49. Since the first born, human kind needs help.
50. The best times of your live are in harmony with God’s wish.
51. The pray is granted, where else to conscious His present embraces inside of us.
52. Your deeds in the heart are undeniable pray; hence make sure in whole of your steps.
53. The one is counting the material happiness will be suffer when left by.
54. My beloved country is fevering on potboiler, I tolerate it. It just unusual if it is happening until respected generation.
55. The truth can be understood by searching its source in the heart.
56. The composure is the capital for mastering in the darkness and also in the bright.
57. The composure is holding the water in the glass in order not to spill out when brought in the walking.
58. If start the journey, it will be better if arrive at the expected place.
59. The God’s speeches are perfect. It is only we are not enough to discover His sign.
60. All searcher of freedom, mostly they are fettered by material wealth.
61. If penance is according to human kind’s standard, the religion mustn’t from the God.
62. The process transforms to be really valuable pleasure.
63. Laziness is at the door of dying to the death.
64. The love is another language of Justice.
65. Joyfulness as the foundation of justice.
66. The good deed is branch keys of justice.
67. The one understand him self knows the secret without read; the self is such as walking record.
68. If you are looking for power, get ready to be mastered by it.
69. If you hope on riches, you better prepare will not get it.
70. The happiness needs balance for the eternality of the yearned.
71. Bad luck is because of insisting the way of mind; it doesn’t the comfort of the heart.
72. Heavy problem is because of unprepared, whilst you have so much time before.
73. Faith doesn’t the treasury of soul. But, it is the field. Hence, processes it for the other man kinds.
74. The one has faith won’t believe any else unless what he believes.
75. The faith gives guidance, alike twilight for farmer to right the way to go home.
76. The conviction is much more appearing, when in complicated situation.
77. Yield to the God as you understand the deepest side of you.
78. It is not right yet although the holy sentences are correct, hence, find or do it to get the genuine.
79. The rain comes from the cloud, that’s our origin to the ocean. But, then the paths become different. Some through wasted river and also pretty one with beauty turn. But, what is it? The one didn’t flow anywhere, useless as the lake.
80. The longing means tendency to the time feels it.
81. Public awareness doesn’t mean the truth. There is mist freezing comprehending in community, alike the habit of misconception labeled on tradition.
82. The one who look at the mountain will climb, whilst the climber miss the birth land.
83. The power of God is smelled until powerlessness of man kind.
84. The most delight in is the art of making love, but only a few understand its depth.
85. The most beauty masterpiece is not the result of memory, but, the future captivity like throwing fish-net will get the things is not shown before.
Inilah penulis tempuh (Kulya dalam Relung Filsafat), setelah membaca susunannya Leo Tolstoy: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day
1. Yang berkata merokok kebiasaan buruk, aku bertanya: di mana letak kebaikan yang tidak, dalam ‘kenikmatan’ merokok?
2. Perbandingan serupa sanggahan, ini bukan tidak toleran, tapi mempertanyakan ke puncak kebenaran. Maka sangkalan ‘tidak berguna’ diterima sinis, tetapi pikiran sahaja di meja penelitian, demi menemukan yang sepatutnya.
3. Keimanan sejati tidak butuh dukungan, tapi firman-Nya yang terkatakan, perlu dibubuhi di lelembaran kertas disebar-luaskan, inilah kabar kegembiraan.
4. Pikiran bukan cahaya, tapi hatilah serupa bulan terlihat atas sang surya, sinar bulan itu realisasi sepihak, sedang matahari menggerakkan gelap-terangnya hayat.
5. Yang melarang menembus hakikat-Nya, takut keimanannya runtuh, padahal keyakinan takkan ambruk di sarang badan.
6. Aturan bijak sebelum ditetapkan sudah ada, dan tidak bertentangan akal budi.
7. Hukuman diterima dengan senang hati, jika menyadari kesalahan dan tak berharap lebih keadilan dunia, jika tidak (kecuali keadilan) langsung dari para nabi dan pengikut sejati.
8. Akar tradisi terhapus, bergeser sedikit demi sedikit pada keyakinan baru.
9. Sakit berulang kali demi kau pandangi bukuku, bagi waktu kita karenamu.
10. Ini ujaran, sekiranya masuk dalam dirimu melalui salamku.
11. Kalimatku di luar bentuk warna tubuh, saat waktunya kepadamu.
12. Takut mati bukan apa, karena belum didengar oleh dunia. Bagi siapa hidupku dalam kehidupan membutuhkan kata-kata, kukira keikhlasan mempurnakannya.
13. Jika boleh mengadu, dengarlah kata-kataku, meski benci pun cemburu.
14. Kehidupan itu, di mana kata-kata didengar.
15. Anak melahirkan semangat mensucikan kalbu.
16. Kehadiran anak mendewasakan kita, anak baik cita-cita kemerdekaan.
17. Kesimpulan ilmu adanya di pantai kesaksian seperti butiran garam.
18. Kehidupan itu belajar dan belajar.
19. Suara nurani kan salah, jika tak disuarakan.
20. Kepribadian itu resapan senyawa keinginan.
21. Belajarnya jiwa, setelah tercederai kesenangan.
22. Hidup tanpa keyakinan, bukanlah hidup.
23. Mereka punya alasan benar “kenapa harus hidup,” tapi sedikit yang memiliki alasan benar “kenapa harus mati.”
24. Teringat muasal, pikiran kembali sederhana, jiwa pun bersahaja.
25. Pemahaman menyelamatkan langkah, dan pandanganmu menjadi jitu.
26. Kerugian yang kutakutkan, ketika waktu berlalu sia-sia.
27. Yang tak bisa terbang, sebab kaku pemahaman, maka penyesuaian dibutuhkan, demi ringankan kepakan menuju dambaan.
28. Kekayaan tidak ternilai dalam pemahaman, dan dipermudah menyikapi persoalan.
29. Kekayaan jiwa tak terbantah, dengan melewati hidup berpemahaman indah.
30. Sedikit terlihat perbedaan, orang bodoh dan orang bijak ketika makan.
31. Kebaikanmu peniadaan diri, setelah menyaksikan dunia.
32. Jangan menilai orang dari tampilannya, nantikan kecewa.
33. Jangan banyak keinginan, sebab orang lain pun demikian.
34. Seringlah jiwamu menyendiri, serpihan-serpihan kabut kan mendatangi.
35. Segala sifat jahat senantiasa siap memenjarakan.
36. Kebenaran ada di timur-barat utara-selatan, tapi hakikatnya satu; usahamu dari kebenaran yang kau terima.
37. Membuang kebencian paling sulit, tapi itu kebaikanmu yang sejati.
38. Demi mendapati hasil di luar kebiasaan, berpikirlah putar-balik.
39. Salah hitung tidak memuaskan, akan menimbulkan kesalahpahaman.
40. Ketakutan mengintriki jiwa, menyergap dari gelap menghadirkan daya, jika teguh serangan bahaya, malah datangnya dari kesambillaluan.
41. Kekuasaan, salah satu sifat ketuhanan. Ketika turun ke bumi, para insan kerap menyalahgunakan dengan ketidakadilan.
42. Makna ketidakadilan sering berhubungan materi, ini kemanusiaan benda.
43. Ruh alamiah bersifat mandiri, maka sapaannya menjelma keabadian.
44. Kesadaran ruh penciptaan, kekuatan ini terabaikan, sebab bersifat netral.
45. Ruh udara, sukma bayu, jiwa baunya, pikiran daya resap mewujudkan.
46. Keimanan tanpa mengalami keraguan, belumlah sejati.
47. Pengetahuan sejati, tidak lewat sambillalu, tapi kesungguhan mata air.
48. Bedakan bermalas-malasan dengan melonggarkan urat syaraf.
49. Membaca, menimba ilmu sekaligus rekreasi, setelah suntuk menyaksikan dunia.
50. Kadang persoalan remeh melelahkan, ini kurang tepat.
51. Segala organ tubuh perangkat jiwa dalam mengekspresi diri.
52. Dunia, lahan menanam keinginkan, ingatlah senja datangnya cepat.
53. Manusia ada, sebab kemauan ‘kuat’ dari Sang Maha Hidup.
54. Jelas hakikat hidup bukan pada materi.
55. Pendidikan mengajak ke sawah, dan pengetahuan menyuruh bercangkul.
56. Pengalaman itu pendidikan cuma-cuma.
57. Yang berpengetahuan belum tentu mengetahui sepenuhnya.
58. Jika makan daging halal itu kesalahan, bagaimana pengkonsumsi buah. Hewan ada matinya, buah ada layunya. Maka, makan yang tidak berlebihan sudah benar.
59. Kita terbentur adat dengan alasan tak jelas, sungguh ini menyedihkan.
60. Kerja itu kesungguhan, bukan kepura-puraan.
61. Kita dibekali pikiran ganda, bumi-langit malam-siang senja-fajar, tapi kita mengharap satu titik keseimbangan, atau keberimbangan jiwa pun kerja.
62. Ini bukan kritik, tapi meluruskan pandangan seperti diriku, disaat berhadap muka Tolstoy.
63. Kita dihipnosis diri sendiri, ini sulit meloloskan, kecuali mengambil yang penting.
64. Di pulau Jawa ada pohon Jati; batangnya kokoh dahan rerantingnya seimbang, dedaunnya berwibawa. Saat kemarau tiba, daun-daun rontok tidak mati, musim berganti hujan, daun bermunculan, ini berputar menerus, tahun demi tahun berpuluh beratus tahun lebih. Itu harapan orang Jawa, mengenai Jati Diri.
65. Sering ingat mati, bertambah jelaslah menapaki jalan menuju sejati.
66. Ada ucapan yang berbunga-bunga, batu-batu air mengalir, sehembus bayu gelegaran gunung berapi pun angin topan, tapi yang terindah mengajarkan kebajikan.
67. Kebajikan dalam diri, setelah membaca ayat-ayat-Nya yang disampaikan alam.
68. Kesendirian, memunculkan diri yang sebenarnya.
69. Kehadiran Ilahi lebih cepat diresapi, daripada direnungkan.
These are I, the writer, took; Kulya in the deep space of philosophy, after I had read Leo Tolstoy’s composition: A Calendar of Wisdom – Wise Thoughts for Every Day
Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto
1. The one says that smoking is bad habit; let me ask him a question. “Where is the beneficence that there isn’t in smoking?
2. Comparison is such as protest but not tolerate, but, question to the top of truth. Hence, useless rebuttal will be accepted cynical, but comfort thinking at the table of researching to find the proper.
3. The true faith doesn’t need support, but the God’s speech need to append on to sheet of papers to widespread. This is good news.
4. The mind is not light, but the heart. Alike the moon seen by the sun. The moon light is one hand realization, whilst the sun moves the dark and the bright of the nature.
5. The one who prohibit getting in to the essence of the God is the one who fears his faith will break down. Whereas, belief will not fall apart inside of this body.
6. Wise rule before stated to be exist, would consider that it won’t against the mind and the heart.
7. Punishment will be accepted by pleasure, when realizing the mistaken also do not hope too much on world’s justice, if not came from the prophets, it came from the loyal followers.
8. Source of tradition is erased, wished off a little by a little into new belief.
9. Repeated pain for you to look at my book, for our time just because of you.
10. This is pronouncement, perhaps it can participate in you through my greeting.
11. My sentences are outside of shape and body’s color when its time has come to you.
12. Afraid to the death is fine because haven’t heard yet by the world. Who is my live for in this life needs words, I thought sincerity complete it.
13. If I may share, listen to my words although you hate it or even be jealous of it.
14. The life is where the words heard.
15. Kids bear courage to purify the heart of heart.
16. The attendance of kids mature us, virtuous child is the top of the ladder of freedom.
17. Conclusion of science and knowledge is on the beach of testimony as the grains of salt.
18. Life is study and learns.
19. Voice of the heart will be wrong if it does not tell.
20. Personality is absorbing of a soul of willing.
21. The soul will learn after it was hurting by pleasure.
22. Life without conviction is not life.
23. They have correct reason like this, “Why we must live,” but, a few have this correct reason “Why we must die.”
24. Remember the origin, the mind will be back to simplicity and the soul will be comfort.
25. Comprehending safes the steps and your vision will be accurate.
26. Disadvantages I always afraid off, when the time pass uselessly.
27. The one can’t fly just because of he is ungainly to understand. Hence, adjustment is needed, to demulcent flapping aiming to the yearned.
28. Invaluable riches are understanding, and will make us easier to do with the problems.
29. Undeniable riches are by pass the live with beauty understanding.
30. The difference is a bit, between stupid person and the wise ones when they are eating.
31. Your virtue is self negation after watching the world.
32. Don’t justify another from his looking, you will be disappointed.
33. Don’t have too much willing, because the others are too.
34. Your soul will be better oftentimes being alone; the mist flakes will come to you.
35. All the evil always be ready to put you in prison.
36. The truth is at all direction, west, east, north, and south. But, the essence is only one: Your efforts from the truth you received.
37. Banish hatred is the most difficult, but it the genuine of your kindness.
38. If want to get the results greater than usual, think over and over.
39. Miscalculation is not satisfied will bear misunderstanding.
40. Fear to everything intrigue to the soul, ambush from the dark to attend the power. If you are tough, instead the coming of dangerous will come from just in passing.
41. The power is one of the attribute of god lines. When it is coming to the world, most people oftentimes misused through injustice.
42. The meaning of injustice often connected with material, this is the humanity of material.
43. Natural spirit has quality of independence; hence, its greeting transforms to be eternality.
44. The power of consciousness of creation’s soul is mostly ignored, because it is neutral.
45. The spirit is the air, life spirit is the water, the soul is the smell, and the mind is the strength of absorbing to bear.
46. The faith without experience of doubt is not the genuine yet.
47. The true knowledge is not just in passed, but seriousness like the well water.
48. Differentiates between be in lazy and resting.
49. Read is to get knowledge and at the same time is recreation after bore to witness the world.
50. Sometimes, inconsequentially problems are fatigue, this is not right.
51. All organs are equipment of the soul to express our self.
52. The world is the field to invest what we wanted. Remember, the evening will come so quickly.
53. Human kind exists because of the security from The Life.
54. Substantially, live does not at the material.
55. Education invites you to go to the farmland, and knowledge tells you to hoe.
56. Experience is free education.
57. The one has knowledge doesn’t mean know whole.
58. If eats legal meat is mistaken, how about fruit consumer. Animal dies, and the fruit wilts. Hence, doesn’t eat too much is the right thing.
59. We are limited by tradition with unclearly reasons, it’s pathetic.
60. Working is seriousness, and it doesn’t pretense.
61. We are supplied with double thinking, the world and sky, the noon and night, the twilight and dawn. But, we hope on one point of balance, or balance between soul and working.
62. This is not critic but straighten the view like mine, when I see face to face with you, Tolstoy.
63. We are hypnotized by our selves, this is hard to escape unless take the most important.
64. In the land of Java, there are jati trees: it’s standing firmly, its stem and its stalk are balanced, and its leaves are having an authoritative bearing. When the dry season comes, its leaves are falling down, but it doesn’t die. And, the season is change, its leaves are growing. It’s circling like devil circle, year to years, until ten years or a hundred years or maybe more. It’s what the Javanese hopes about Jati Diri (Self Identity).
65. Oftentimes remember to the death, more clearly the steps to walk on the path of genuineness.
66. There are bloomy utterances, stones of flowing water, a wind blew of thundering volcanoes also the storm. But, the most beauty is teaching benevolence.
67. The righteousness is in our selves after read His verses told by nature.
68. Loneliness appears the truly of our selves.
69. The presence of god lines is quicker to be understood than contemplates it.
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